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SUBSCRIBER ONLY Judge backs increased license fee for medical marijuana companies in Florida

Medical marijuana, Medical
Risk of depressive disorders associated with medical cannabis authorization: A propensity score matched cohort study

Our study showed that patients with medical cannabis authorization have a higher risk of emergency department visits or hospitalizations for depression compared to patients with no authorization. Our results also suggest that this risk is increased among patients without prior mental health disorders at cannabis authorization. The findings emphasize the need for a careful risk-benefit assessment that takes into account this observation prior to cannabis authorization. Further longitudinal

Medical, Psychosis, science direct
Avoiding Pot Holes: Navigating the Cautionary Trail of Cannabis

Other presentations:  West Virginia, because the wonderful world of opioids, lost in the weeds;  beans, benzos, and bud.
Professor and Chair, Director of Addictions, Department of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry, Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute 
West Virginia University, 930 Chestnut Ridge Road , Morgantown, WV, 26508, 304-293-5323,   Admin. Assistant: Lisa Terris

Medical, Dr. Berry
Marijuana Legalization and Opioid Deaths

These results indicate that legal medical marijuana, particularly when available through retail dispensaries, is associated with higher opioid mortality. The results for recreational marijuana, while less reliable, also suggest that retail sales through dispensaries are associated with greater death rates relative to the counterfactual of no legal cannabis.

fatal, opioid, Fatalities, Medical, 2023 Presentation Dr Berry
Florida Medical Marijuana Usage
Florida, Medical
2019 10 Florida Medical Marijuana

The Florida medical marijuana market continues to expand at a rapid pace.
The two publicly held companies with the largest presence in the state are Trulieve followed by Curaleaf.
Extensive Florida operations have allowed Trulieve and Curaleaf to avoid the bear market that has engulfed multi-state operators MedMen, Acreage Holdings and Harvest Health.
Acreage Holdings' lack of ANY sales in Florida sends a strong signal that it is adrift.

Florida, Medical
An Update On The Florida Medical Marijuana Market

The Florida medical marijuana market continues to expand at a rapid pace.
The two publicly held companies with the largest presence in the state are Trulieve followed by Curaleaf.
Extensive Florida operations have allowed Trulieve and Curaleaf to avoid the bear market that has engulfed multi-state operators MedMen, Acreage Holdings and Harvest Health.
Acreage Hold

Medical, Florida
Reducing the risks of distortion in cannabis research

But  the  lives  of  vulnerable  people  may  be  put  at  risk when  science  is  distorted  for corporate  or  ideological  ends.  As  noted,  several  USstates  responded  to the  much-hypedoriginal study of cannabis and opioid overdosesby authorizing the use of medical cannabis to treat  heroin-addicted  individuals.  Advice  that  opioid  users  should use medical  cannabis toreplace  opioid  agonist  therapies  (e.g.,  methadone,  buprenorphine) poses significant  risk because abrupt cessation of these medications dramatically increases the risks of an overdose death if users return to opioid use 

Research, Medical, risks, opioid
Medical Marijuana for Minors May Be Considered Child Abuse

In summary, when approaching how to define the threshold to report a family to a child welfare system, we must first take into account our state laws. Our medical opinion, however, must be directed by many other factors, including an understanding of the circumstances and the motivation of the parent. Child welfare systems rely on medical providers to make clear statements regarding our medical opinion about whether a child has been abused or neglected. This is a powerful role. We might also use this case to advocate for a change in state laws or policies regarding the well-intentioned use of marijuana in dire circumstances such as the ones that this mother faced.

child abuse, Medical
New Hampshire HB-158
HB 158 - AS INTRODUCED    2017 SESSION   17-0115   01/09     HOUSE BILL 158
 AN ACT adding opioid addiction to qualifying medical conditions under therapeutic use of cannabis.
 SPONSORS: Rep. Schleien, Hills. 37; Rep. E. Edwards, Hills. 11; Rep. Fisher, Belk. 9; Rep. Zaricki, Hills. 6; Rep. Josephson, Graf. 11
 COMMITTEE: Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs
 This bill adds opioid addiction to the qualifying medical conditions under therapeutic use of cannabis.
 Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.
Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]
Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.
17-0115  01/09   STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE  
In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Seventeen   AN ACT adding opioid addiction to qualifying medical conditions under therapeutic use of cannabis.   Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:
 1  Use of Cannabis for Therapeutic Purposes; Definitions.  Amend RSA 126-X:1, IX(a)(1) to read as follows:
(1)  Cancer, glaucoma, positive status for human immunodeficiency virus, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, hepatitis C currently receiving antiviral treatment, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, Crohn's disease, multiple sclerosis, chronic pancreatitis, spinal cord injury or disease, traumatic brain injury, epilepsy, lupus, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, ulcerative colitis, opioid addiction, or one or more injuries that significantly interferes with daily activities as documented by the patient's provider; an
2  Effective Date.  This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.

HB 158, New Hampshire, Medical
Arizona court to rule on medical marijuana immunity issue

PHOENIX - The Arizona Supreme Court says immunity provided doctors under the state's medical marijuana law for certifying patients to use pot only applies to the medical certifications, not other conduct such as making false statements in documents.
The ruling Friday overturns a lower court's decision that upheld dismissal of forgery and fraud charges against a physician on grounds that he was protected under the medical marijuana's law immunity provision.
Dr. Robert Gear was charged in Navajo County after signing a medical marijuana certification for a police informant based on his examination but before receiving a year's worth of the patient's records.

lawsuit, Medical, Doctors, Arizona
Is legal 'medical' marijuana linked to high youth substance abuse rates?

Is legal 'medical' marijuana linked to high youth substance abuse rates?

Let's look at Colorado's substance abuse rates in 2011- 2012 when medical marijuana was legal but recreational pot was not, Colorado youth ages 12- 17 and 18- 25 ranked in the top percentiles for most substance abuse rates: illicit drugs, marijuana, cocaine, non-medical use of painkillers and ranked the lowest for perception of great risk of smoking marijuana.

youth, Medical
Cannabis Has Medical Value; Medical Marijuana is a Fraud

But “having medical value” isn’t the same thing as “being a medicine.” A medicine is a material of known chemical composition and dosage that has been shown in clinical trials to be safe and effective in the management of some condition in some patient population. By that standard, natural cannabis can’t be a medicine, simply because natural cannabis varies so widely in its chemical content: not only from one strain to another, but from one plant to another and even from one bud to another from the same plant.

Fraud, Medical, UCLA
A Bust for Medical Marijauna

A separate analysis of edible marijuana found that many products laced with pot, such as drinks, baked goods and candy, misrepresent the potency of THC, the active ingredient on the labels. Only 13 of 75 products tested were accurately labeled, making reads of their potency and its effects little more than a guessing game.
Celebrating the medical benefits, if any, of marijuana has been an effective ruse to win social acceptance for getting high. This was thoroughly predictable, and now it’s clear that the organized pot heads have been blowing smoke at us.

Medical, edibles, news article
Scentists have successfully isolated the medical benefits of cannabis from its unwanted side effects.

PLEASE note:  23 states in the US have legalized marijuana- using the entire plant as medicine not isolating specific cannabinoids as done in research labs.
However, Dr. McCormick was quick to warn of the dangers of individuals self-medicating, but stated he hopes the research would lead to a "safe synthetic equivalent being available in the future."

Medical, Spain, UK, Studies
I Got A Marijuana Prescription And Pot In Minutes Without Leaving My Couch

He quickly glanced over my medical history, asked me some cursory questions about my wrist and noted in less than three minutes that he didn’t “see any reason why [I] shouldn’t try marijuana to help with the pain.” I had the recommendation letter in PDF form in my email inbox soon after and used the rest of my consultation time to press Dr. Zlotolow on the perceived benefits of using an app to diagnose patients.

article, Medical
Is Medical Marijuana Really A Miracle Cure?

“Individuals considering cannabinoids as a possible treatment for their symptoms should discuss the potential benefits and harms with their doctor,” said Penny Whiting of University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust in the UK.

FDA, Medical
Review Raises Troubling Questions About Marijuana's Safety, Effectiveness

79 different studies: they found only moderate evidence indicating that marijuana reduced nerve pain and pain from cancer. 
If a pharmaceutical company, for example, wanted to get a drug approved for a medical condition and they only submitted anecdotal data, there's absolutely no chance that that drug would be approved.

'Lack of evidence' to support benefits of medical marijuana

When it came to the use of cannabinoids for treatment of weight loss in HIV/AIDS patients, nausea and vomiting due to chemotherapy, sleep disorders and Tourette syndrome, the researchers found there was low-quality evidence that the compounds were effective, while there was very low-quality evidence supporting the effectiveness of cannabinoids in the treatment of anxiety.

Medical, evidence, Studies
Federal Judge Refuses to Reschedule Marijuana Under Controlled Substances Act

Five legal standards are:

  1. Does marijuana have a known and reproducible drug chemistry?
  2. Does marijuana have adequate safety studies?
  3. Are there adequate and controlled studies showing marijuana’s efficacy?
  4. Are marijuana’s therapeutic benefits accepted by qualified experts?
  5. Are scientific data available for scrutiny?

To sustain the view that marijuana should remain in Schedule I, the prosecution team also had to show that marijuana has:

  1. A high potential for abuse,
  2. No currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States, and
  3. Unacceptable safety standards for its use under medical supervision.

madras, Medical, FDA
Don't Legalize Marijuana

The raw cannabis plant has no medicinal value. For the same reasons people no longer chew bark to cure headaches but instead buy aspirin, there is no medical reason to smoke pot. The pharmaceutical profession exists to isolate active medical ingredients from herbs and plants (or synthesize them) and to provide safe, standardized doses with minimal side effects. This is how every other drug works. There is no scientific or medical reason to make marijuana an exception.

pot, normlize, Colorado-0, youth, Medical, science, Taxes
Florida Matters: Previewing 2015 Legislative Issues (Medical Marijuana, Testing and More)
Legislation, Fay, Medical
Workers' Comp Must Cover Medical Marijuana
Business, workman's comp, insurance, Medical
Medicine by public opinion: Where are the doctors?
Medical, Doctors
Don't Go to Pot

Marijuana does possess certain medicinal properties. So does opium. But we don’t allow unscrupulous quacks to write raw opium prescriptions for anyone willing to pay $65. And if we did, would anybody be surprised that the vast majority of opium buyers were not recovering from surgery—and that many of them shared or resold some of their opium to underage users?

Medical, car crashes 2, impaired, IQ
Smoke and Mirrors Cloud Medical Marijuana Debate

It's time now to change the flawed medical marijuana system by insisting that standard medical procedures be followed in the dispensing of the drug. Let's save our children from the dangers of "marijuana doctors" before all concerns for safety go up in smoke.

addiction, debate, Teens, abnormal, Medical
Legal pot: Colorado’s bad ‘medicine’
Colorado-0, Medical
Striking rise in accidental marijuana poisonings

The number of unintentional marijuana poisonings in children rose markedly in Colorado after medical marijuana was decriminalized in 2009, with visits to one emergency department climbing from zero to 2.4% of all poisoning cases in just 2 years, according to a report published online May 27 in JAMA Pediatrics.

poisoning, Children, Medical
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