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Title | |
Cannabis legislation and substance use disorder treatment 03/10/2019 |
voting, Legislation |
Colorado official describes wild west of law with marijuana 01/07/2017 |
Colorado Assistant Attorney General Michael Song:
Colorado, Legislation, Song |
Western Colorado law enforcement officials say that Colorado has now become a magnet for criminals coming to take advantage of the state's marijuana laws. 12/26/2016 |
Western Colorado law enforcement officials say that Colorado has now become a magnet for criminals coming to take advantage of the state's marijuana laws. Colorado, Legislation, crime, Black Market |
Letter from American Epilpsey Society 03/22/2015 |
A study by a team from Children's Hospital Colorado that was presented during the AES Annual Meeting in December 2014 and has recently been accepted for publication in the journal Epilepsy & Behavior, found that artisanal "high CBD" oils resulted in no significant reduction in seizures in the majority of patients and in those for whom the parents reported improvements, these improvements were not associated with improvement in electroencephalograms (EEGs), the gold standard monitoring test for people with epilepsy.
Additionally, in 20% of cases reviewed seizures worsened with use of cannabis and in some patients there were significant adverse events. These are not the stories that you have likely heard in your public hearings, but they are the reality of practitioners at Children's Hospital Colorado who have cared for the largest number of cases of children with epilepsy treated with cannabis in the U.S. Charlotte's Web, epilepsy, Legislation, Colorado, Studies, Research |
Florida Matters: Previewing 2015 Legislative Issues (Medical Marijuana, Testing and More) 02/24/2015 |
Legislation, Fay, Medical |
Future of medical pot hazy in Florida 02/10/2015 |
Legislation, Florida |
House Bill Would Give Veterans Easier Access To Medical Marijuana 02/03/2015 |
#no2pot #biglies Veterans, Legislation |