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Moving beyond perceived riskiness: Marijuana-related beliefs and marijuana use in adolescents.

Conclusions: Marijuana use varied in association with beliefs about its beneficial and harmful health properties. Clinical interventions that target specific marijuana-related health beliefs including unfounded claims of benefit may provide robust talking points for centering provider guidance and public health messaging.

youth, perception
Marijuana use doubles
usage, perception, Infographics
HHS finds marijuana use up 12%, perception of harm down

This week, the Department of Health and Human Services found that marijuana use among all Americans 12 and over – especially those over 26 – significantly increased in 2014 compared to 2013. The number of 16 and 17 year-olds using marijuana in the past month also increased, (14.2% versus 15.0%).

youth, perception, usage
Monitoring the Future Survey, Overview of Findings 2014

monitoring the future, perception, harm, Statistical Reports
Monitoring the Future- Perception of Harm
  • Most Marijuana Use Begins in Adolescence: 78% of the 2.4 million people who began using in the last year were aged 12 to 20.
  • As perception of harm decreases, teen marijuana use increases.
  • Every Day, 3,287 Teens Use Marijuana for the First Time

monitoring the future, perception, youth
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