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Marijuana Use by U.S. Teens Has Jumped 10-fold Since 1990s 06/23/2019 |
The study looked at 1991-2017 U.S. federal health data on more than 200,000 high school students. It found that the number who said they'd used pot at least once over the past month rose 10-fold -- from 0.6% in 1991 to 6.3% by 2017. high school, Teens |
Vaping is ruining student athletes: ’It’s heartbreaking,’ Massachusetts parents, school officials say 06/16/2019 |
Then he started asking them, “do youJUUL?" and their answers changed.
“I wasn’t even asking the right questions, and I think a lot of clinicians still don’t ask the right questions,” Winickoff said. “Once I found out that kids were using, many of them thought that what they were using was not a big deal, that maybe they could stop any time they wanted. Some of them thought that vaping was just water vapor plus some flavor.” Vaping, paraphernalia, high school |
Inforgraphics for Educators 05/11/2016 |
Infographics, high school, School, academics |
Study: Teens who smoke weed daily are 60% less likely to complete high school than those who never use 09/12/2014 |
Teenagers who smoke marijuana daily are over 60 percent less likely to complete high school than those who never use. They're also 60 percent less likely to graduate college and seven times more likely to attempt suicide. youth, dropout, high school, addiction, suicide |