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Position Statement: Use of Medical Marijuana for Neurologic Disorders 08/31/2016 |
The American Academy of Neurology (AAN) is a professional organization of over 28,000 practicing neurologists and neuroscientists with a deep and abiding interest in assuring the best possible care of patients with all types of neurologic disorders. With officials at state and federal levels adopting policies regarding the use of medical marijuana, it is important for the AAN to have an official position on the issue that can assist policymakers. Neruology, position paper |
2016-05-21 00:00:00 05/21/2016 |
Endangers health of community and drains precious health resources. Colorado, Dept. of Health, position paper |
Sheriff Gee Statement 04/04/2016 |
position paper, Resolution |
American Epilepsy Society 03/14/2016 |
Every case of epilepsy is different and the disease is highly variable. Scientific studies help the entire epilepsy community to understand how and why various treatments work and for whom they are effective. Research also helps us understand the correct dose, side effects, and potential interactions with other medications. At present, the epilepsy community does not know if marijuana is a safe and effective treatment nor do we know the long-term effects AES, position paper, Resolution |
The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) 03/13/2016 |
The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) advocates for careful consideration of potential direct and downstream effects of marijuana policy changes on children and adolescents, and involvement of the medical and research community in policy-related discussions. Legalization of marijuana for medicinal or recreational purposes, even if restricted to adults, is likely to be associated with (a) decreased adolescent perceptions of marijuana’s harmful effects, (b) increased marijuana use among parents and caretakers, and (c) increased adolescent access to marijuana, all of which reliably predict increased rates of adolescent marijuana use and associated problems. position paper, AACAP, Resolution |
National Narcotic Officers’ Associations’ Coalition- Marijuana Position Paper 02/13/2016 |
The National Narcotic Officers’ Associations’ Coalition (NNOAC) opposes all efforts at the local, state, and Federal levels to decriminalize, legalize, or normalize marijuana possession, production, and use, including legalize “medical” marijuana. Marijuana is a dangerous psychoactive substance that has caused untold pain and suffering to individuals, families, and communities. position paper, NNOAC |
American Epilepsy Society Position Statement 07/16/2015 |
Safety concerns coupled with a lack of evidence of efficacy in controlled studies result in a risk/benefit ratio that does not support use of marijuana for treatment of seizures at this time. Healthcare professionals, patients, and caregivers are reminded that use of marijuana for epilepsy may not be advisable due to this lack of information on safety and efficacy. Charlotte's Web, american epiliepsy society, AES, Epidiolex, Idaho, position paper |
American Epilepsy Society- Letter to Gov. Otter, Idaho 07/13/2015 |
American Epilepsy Society- Letter to Gov. Otter, Idaho Idaho, american epiliepsy society, AES, Resolution, position paper |
Religious Leader Statements 10/13/2014 |
religious leader, position paper |
FAADA Statement on Medical Marijuana 10/12/2014 |
Resolution, position paper |
D.A.R.E. America Position Paper on Marijuana Legalization 09/01/2014 |
Resolution, position paper, legalization, DARE |
DEA Position Paper on Marijuana 04/01/2013 |
DEA, position paper, dangers, medical association, non-users, youth usage |