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Risk factors for non-fatal occupational injuries among construction workers: A case-control study.

Cannabis abuse can increase injury severity and prolong workdays lost. Drug testing is recommended for at-risk construction workers with inadequate safety measures.

workplace, Employees
Clearing the Smoke: Workplace Safety Issues Clouded by Medical Marijuana

Marijuana’s Negative Effects
Construction workers must have full use of their skills and faculties while performing their jobs. Medical marijuana may have positive medical benefits, but there are also well-documented negative effects. Some negative effects to the central nervous system include changes in sensory perception, altered thought formation and expression, short-term memory problems, and impaired thinking and learning. Negative physical effects include impaired motor performance, loss of balance and coordination, decreased attentiveness and alertness, prolonged response time to stimuli and danger, decreased ability to judge distance and space, and impaired ability to perform complex tasks.

drug free workplace, construction, workplace, Business, Employees, OSHA
Trends in Marijuana Legalization: A Wake-Up Call for Employers

Acceptance of employee marijuana use means increased accidents and injuries, loss of workplace productivity, increased workers' compensation claims, and employee turnover, to name a few problems (National Institutes of Health). These losses have real dollar value that impacts small-business owners considerably. Ultimately, the most costly battles will be fought in the courts at the employers' expense. Weakening or removing employers' rights for a safe and drug free workplace ultimately threatens all of us.

Employer, Employees, drug free workplace
Colo. company says pot pushed them out of state
Business, Employees, Colorado-0, Colorado
Institute for a Drug-Free Workplace

The impact of employee marijuana use is seen in the workplace in lower productivity, increased workplace accidents and injuries, increased absenteeism, and lower morale. This can and does seriously impact the bottom line.

drug free workplace, workplace, Employees, Business
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