
Adolescent brains exposed to THC are at higher risk of psychiatric disorders
Subchronic toxicity of cannabis leaves on male albino rats
Boston Medical Center Psychiatrists Innovate to Treat Teenagers With Marijuana-Induced Psychosis
Association of Mental Health Burden With Prenatal Cannabis Exposure From Childhood to Early Adolescence: Longitudinal Findings From the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study
Sperm DNA methylation alterations from cannabis extract exposure are evident in offspring
Placebo Response and Media Attention in Randomized Clinical Trials Assessing Cannabis-Based Therapies for Pain
Cannabis legalization and cannabis-involved pregnancy hospitalizations in Colorado
Cannabis and Psychosis: Recent Epidemiological Findings Continuing the “Causality Debate”
Cannabis use may be associated with suicidality in young adults
Association Between the Use of Cannabis and Physical Violence in Youths: A Meta-Analytical Investigation
Cannabis Increases Propensity for False Memories
Reducing the risks of distortion in cannabis research
cannabis use to variation in the incidence of psychotic disorder across Europe
Cannabis use and driving-related performance
Medical Marijuana Users are More Likely to Use Prescription Drugs Medically and Nonmedically
Mood Fluctuation and Psychobiological Instability: The Same Core Functions Are Disrupted by Novel Psychoactive Substances and Established Recreational Drugs
Review of the public health risks of widespread cannabis use
"Positive" urine testing for Cannabis is associated with increased risk of traffic crashes
‘Medical’ marijuana is incompatible with mental health promotion
Marijuana use and physical dating violence among adolescents and emerging adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Long lasting effects of chronic heavy cannabis abuse.
Marijuana Is Not Safe to Smoke, Researchers Say
Marijuana Violence and Law
Marijuana use may be linked to temporarily weakened heart muscle
Complexities in understanding and addressing the serious public health issues related to the nonmedical use of prescription drugs
What Scientific & Medical Journals & Experts Say About Marijuana
Marijuana Use: Detrimental to Youth
Adolescent Cannabinoid Exposure Induces a Persistent Sub-Cortical Hyper-Dopaminergic State and Associated Molecular Adaptations in the Prefrontal Cortex
Pot Science: Top Marijuana Findings of 2015
Medical Associations Response
Cannabis, cannabinoids and cancer – the evidence so far
ASAM Public Policy Statement on Marijuana, Cannabinoids and Legalization
Public Policy Statement on Marijuana, Cannabinoids and Legalization
Why researching cannabis is difficult
Medicinal and Recreational Marijuana: What are the Risks?
The Relationship Between Marijuana Use and Intimate Partner Violence in a Nationally Representative, Longitudinal Sample
How Cannabis Causes Paranoia: Using the Intravenous Administration of Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) to Identify Key Cognitive Mechanisms Leading to Paranoia
Medical marijuana and children don't mix, most Americans say.
ACOG: Doctors Should Urge Against Prenatal Marijuana Use
Cannabinoids for Medical Use A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Marijuana Use and PTSD among Veterans
Clearing the Haze
Research Shows That Any Dose of Alcohol Combined With Cannabis Significantly Increases Levels of THC in the Blood
Smoking marijuana may cause early puberty and stunts growth in boys
Marijuana users may have ‘false memories’
Letter from American Epilpsey Society
The Impact of Marijuana Policies on Youth: Clinical, Research, and Legal Update
Researchers warn of “significant link” between marijuana and mania
Marijuana and Opioid "Cross Talk" Risks for the Born, the Unborn
Medical Marijuana: The State of the Science
The Impact of Marijuana Policies on Youth: Clinical, Research, and Legal Update
Medical Marijuana May Worsen PTSD Symptoms, Increase Violence. Medscape. Dec 15, 2014.
Long-term effects of marijuana use on the brain
What has research over the past two decades revealed about the adverse health effects of recreational cannabis use?
Medical marijuana laws in 50 states: investigating the relationship between state legalization of medical marijuana and marijuana use, abuse and dependence.
Birth outcomes associated with cannabis use before and during pregnancy.
Pot Legalization vs. Science
Comparing Alcohol and Marijuana: Seriously
The Marijuana Report
Medical Marijuana as a new herbalism (Part 1)
Two 24-Week Phase 3 Studies of Lumacaftor in Combination with Ivacaftor Met Primary Endpoint with Statistically Significant Improvements in Lung Function
NIDA review summarizes research on marijuana’s negative health effects
Medical marijuana laws in 50 states: investigating the relationship between state legalization of medical marijuana and marijuana use, abuse and dependence
Man's fertility, Research finds....
NIDA review summarizes research on marijuana’s negative health effects
Casual marijuana use linked with brain abnormalities, study finds
Heavy, Frequent Cannabis Use Linked to Mental Illness
Cannabis During Pregnancy Impairs Baby's Brain Development
Epilepsy experts call for more research into medical marijuana
Marijuana and Drugged Driving
Psychomotor Function in Chronic Daily Cannabis Smokers during Sustained Abstinence
Acute cannabis consumption and motor vehicle collision risk: systematic review of observational studies and meta-analysis
Effects of Marijuana on the Fetus and Breastfeeding Infants.
If You Thought Marijuana was Harmless, Medical Researchers Have News for You
Legalization, Decriminalization & Medicinal Use of Cannabis:A Scientific and Public Health Perspective
Association of Cannabis Use in Adolescence and Risk of Depression, Anxiety, and Suicidality in Young Adulthood
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