Abstract Cannabis is the most commonly abused drug in the world. In Egypt, the Anti Narcotic General Administration showed that the narcotics problem costs the Egyptian economy approximately 800 million dollars annually. LD50, lethal dose that kills 50% of the treated animals, of the bango was determined and then selected groups of rats were given tenth of LD50 for 90 days.
All over the world, there is growing interest in the part played by drugs in traffic accidents, and how to investigate adequate measures to reduce their incidence.2 Africa is the second largest producer of herbal cannabis in the world.3 In Egypt, drug addiction is considered one of the serious problems that worry both people and government. It affects young people within their productive years. It may lead to many problems such as social maladaptation, decreased works productivity and job loss.4 ‘Bango’ is the name of cannabis leaves used in Egypt and North Africa.5
Conclusion In conclusion, the present study revealed the bad effects of the bango plant on different organs in animals. Bango abuse leads to severe effects on different organs and this may subsequently lead to apoptosis and fibrosis of the organs, and this depends mainly on the dose and duration of administration.