mass killings

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Ingraham: “Pot use, especially among teens, can trigger psychosis and increase the chance that the young person will develop behaviors”

Money is more important than our families and children.
LAURA INGRAHAM (HOST): Was it bad information or is this the pro-marijuana bias that we've become accustomed to that's so powerful because billions are on the line with it nationwide? So is the story now irrelevant? We reached out to the Times on this, but they have not responded. The American people are hearing a lot about AR-15's and background checks, but they also deserve to hear about this as well. Respected medical studies for years now have demonstrated that pot use, especially among teens, can trigger psychosis and increase the chance that the young person will develop violent behaviors.

mass killings, Ingraham
Did reefer drive the Highland Park parade ‘killer’ Robert Crimo to madness?

His evil act is unfathomable, but he does fit a familiar pattern of mass killers: alienated young male stoners who appear to be in the grip of a distinctively American madness. 
Those who knew the 21-year-old suspect, Robert Crimo III, say he habitually smoked cannabis, a habit he appeared to share with young mass shooters, including at Uvalde, Dayton, Parkland and Aurora. 
Obviously weed didn’t make them commit their evil acts, but it may have scrambled their brains enough for empathy to take a holiday. 

mass killings, nypost, violence
Chronic Marijuana Use and Violence – Linked?

Given this backdrop, what about a tie to mass shootings? If shooters are deranged, anti-social youth with clear psychoses, what is the chance their psychoses ties to regular marijuana use?
Real answer is, we are not sure, but evidence is mounting in support of a material link – and it cannot be ignored. In short, corroboration exists – and appears statistically significant, or beyond random in the tie-back. Surprisingly, the association between regular marijuana use and mass murders is palpable. Experts like Dr. Daniel Amen, a child psychiatrist, are weighing in – as his interview with Dan Bongino attests. Is this because the alienated use drugs, or is it causal?

chronic, AMAC, mass killings
guns, violence, mass killings
Autopsy confirms Sutherland Springs church gunman died by suicide

Toxicologist Peter Stout, CEO and president of the Houston Forensic Science Center, said the toxicology report showed low levels of anti-anxiety drugs and marijuana in Kelley's system.

guns, mass killings, violence
The link between pot and mass shootings may be closer than we think

It makes no sense at a time when American youth is suffering from an unprecedented mental health crisis.
And, in all honesty, we cannot rule out a connection between increasing marijuana use, mental illness and the recent spate of mass shootings by disturbed young males.
You can’t address the youth mental health crisis without considering the effect of rising teen marijuana use.
Among American teenagers, the drug’s “daily use has become as, or more, popular than daily cigarette smoking” according to the National Institute of Health’s 2017 Monitoring the Future study.

mass shootings, mass killings
Despite obvious signs, care home killer slipped through the cracks

The Japanese man who stabbed and killed 19 disabled people in 2016 frequently advocated for marijuana legalization.  Just weeks before his attack, Uematsu had been diagnosed with cannabis-induced psychosis and paranoia.   

knives, japan, mass killings, Uematsu, violence

An Army official says Tucson massacre suspect Jared Loughner, who wanted to sign up for military service two years ago, was a “habitual drug abuser.”


The revelation brings up the question of whether marijuana played a role in an apparently troubled man's life. While cannabis is legal in California and is sometimes seen as a medicinal panacea in L.A., the pot shop capital of the nation, some say it has a dark side, especially for daily users.

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