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Marijuana Legalization Has Led To More Use And Addiction While Illegal Market Continues To Thrive

The illegal marijuana market thrives in competition with the legal market by offering products at considerably lower prices because it neither complies with regulations on growth and sale, nor pays taxes on sales or their profits. It is particularly disturbing that the public is unaware of the fact that of all Americans with substance use disorders due to drugs other than alcohol, nearly 60 percent are due to marijuana. That means that more Americans are addicted to marijuana than any other drug, including heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, and the nonmedical use of prescription drugs.

legalization, addiction, illegal
Teen busted mailing marijuana from California to Missouri

He hoped to make anywhere from $30,000 to $100,000 through this illegal business venture. 

Teens, illegal, california
Decriminalization would increase the use and the economic and social costs of drugs.

The argument that drug decriminalization, or legalization, will solve the budget crisis, reduce prison overcrowding and cripple drug cartels is simply not supported by evidence. In fact, the benefits of keeping marijuana and other illicit drugs illegal clearly outweigh the negative and predictable consequences of legitimizing these substances.

decriminalization, legalization, illegal
Marijuana History- CEASAR

Long-term marijuana abuse has several negative impacts on the user, including:10

  • Limiting the brain's capacity to store and retrieve information
  • Damage to the brain's memory functions, as well as math and verbal skills
  • Sexual dysfunction and reproductive problems, including irregular sperm and lowered sperm count in men and menstrual and ovulatory disruption in women
  • Weakening of the immune system
  • Increased risk of cancer and lung damage
  • Increased blood pressure and risk of heart attack
  • Loss of motivation and interest in everyday activities and future plans

History, illegal, CEASAR, Long-term
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